lip tattoo

Tatuaje is permanent, that is, the long-term makeup of eyebrows and lips, which is extremely convenient for women. This extremely sought-after service in the modern beauty industry can bring a businessman a good long-term profit.

Perhaps the three main pros of running such a business of lip neutralization are considered to be:

  1. Low startup costs, since the equipment set is not large
  2. The service is relevant even in times of crisis because ladies want to be beautiful, always
  3. A good master has his techniques, so he gets a regular client and the flow of money

It is also impossible not to mention the wide target audience: young girls aged 16 and adult ladies up to 55. It can be older, which is even a plus. Simply put, there are many potential clients, and there is something to fight for in this market.

Business plan

Opening your own salon permanent makeup cosmetic lip tattoo is quite simple. Business plan may differ, depending on your city, but the main points are as follows:


  1. Finding a room. This is a spacious room of 30 square meters, with excellent lighting. For the master, natural light and lighting fixtures are important. Therefore, there must be bright windows
  2. Searching for master. If you are ready to do it on your own, then at the start, this point can be skipped. However, later, for expansion, hiring people is still recommended. The logic is simple: more masters – more served clients – higher income
  3. Purchase of equipment. These are special machines for tattooing, with small blades for drawing. Disposable sterile needles, gloves, and medical masks. Pigments for paint, consumables, and auxiliary tools (various stands, caps, and jars). In general, it is possible to equip a complete set for several masters within the range of 40-50 thousand Russian rubles

Pain relievers are rarely used, but it’s worth keeping around. Also, for sensitive clients, buy special cooling ointments.

lip tattoo
Lip tattoo

Microblading has some medical contraindications. Therefore, ask clients about their health and do not rush to serve if negative aspects exist. A person can get sick, and you will then be held liable in court and your reputation burned.

Before engaging in tattooing, it is important to determine the prices of such services. Look through the price list of your city and how much it costs for a conditional eyebrow correction. Pay attention specifically to salons, not private specialists. Then, evaluate their staff and the quality of their services. Bring out the total price for each position. But do not forget to give discounts to regular visitors in every way to encourage their loyalty.


The number of hired workers depends on the scale of your enterprise, the starting capital, and the expected load of clients. For a startup, two masters are enough; they can work full-time and by appointment with clients.

For a large studio, the role of a receptionist is important. This person answers the phone, records clients, takes calculations, monitors the availability of everything necessary, and serves as the welcoming face of the salon. So, in this position, treat scrupulously. It would not be bad if the administrator could deal with the accounting to remove some of the burden from you.

Of course, the craftsmen should be experienced workers simply because a lot depends on their skills. They should have certificates of completion of courses and regularly improve their qualifications. You, as a director, are obliged to help them in their development: give them leave to take new courses, pay for them, provide them with literature and, above all, practice. This is done by loading clients through marketing. Which we will talk about a little later.