Category: Articles

creative person

The Role of Branding in the Art and Music Industry: creating a Unique Identity for Commercial SuccessThe Role of Branding in the Art and Music Industry: creating a Unique Identity for Commercial Success

To succeed in creativity, specifically in its commercialization, exerting effort and approaching the business wisely is necessary. The internet offers great opportunities for both artists and musicians to earn money. You can create unique content for clients’ needs, such as designing a computer game or application under development, and simply sell your work. Many specialized […]

art brushes

Monetising creativity: strategies for artists and musicians to thrive in the digital economyMonetising creativity: strategies for artists and musicians to thrive in the digital economy

Unlike people in down-to-earth working professions, who everyone always needs, creative individuals, such as artists and musicians, work for a specific and rather small audience. In a capitalist economy where everyone has to think about monetizing their successes regardless of their talents and occupation, it is not easy for talented people. After all, if laying […]